【9月7日】Design Optimisation for Additive Manufacturing(3D-Printing)
发布时间:2016-09-01 | 来源:suncitygroup太阳集团 | 阅读数:

报告题目:Design Optimisation for Additive Manufacturing(3D-Printing)

报告人:Monash University严文裔教授




Additive manufacturing (3D-printing) provides an increased design freedom and the ability to build structures directly from CAD models. There is a growing interest in using optimization methods to design structures for additive manufacturing so as to reduce the mass of aircraft components. In this talk, I will present our recent work on design optimisation for additive manufacturing. We have developed a structural optimisation code with some specific features. First, to design an energy absorber, this code can inforce a structural continuity constraint so that the structure can have localized damage to absorb energy while remaining its structural integrity. Second, this code can generate optimized axisymmetric designs for a problem in which the mechanical model was not axisymmetric or generate a prism geometry with a uniform cross sectionunder localised loading conditions. Third, this code can control the size of internal voids created by the optimization method. The selective laser melting(SLM), one of the popular additive manufacturing techniques,experiences difficulties manufacturing structures with internal voids larger than a certain upper limit. A method was developed to control the size of the designed internal voids for the purpose of reducing the structure weight.Finally, to remove the metal powder filled all internal voids in any structure built using SLM, this code can build paths to connect all the internal voids so as to allow the powder to be removed after manufacturing. This developed code was applied in a case study to design a turbine containment ring for SLM.


Dr Wenyi Yan received his Bachelor Degree in Engineering with first class honours from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 1989 and his Masters of Science Degree in Engineering from the same university in 1992. He obtained his PhD degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1995. After that, he spent over five years as a research fellow in Europe, including two years at Imperial College London, UK. Dr Yan moved to Australia at the end of 2000. He first worked as a research fellow at the University of Sydney and then lectured at University of Southern Queensland and Deakin University. Currently, Dr Yan is an associate professor with Department of Mechanical & Aerospace at Monash University. His research interests include design optimisation, railway engineering, fracture, fatigue and wear. Dr Yan has been awarded 12 research grants from Australian Research Council since 2006. Currently, he is supervising and co-supervising 12 postgraduate research students. In total, A/Prof Yan has published 3 book chapters, 108 journal papers and 49 conference papers. His h-index is 22 according to Google Scholar.

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