讲座题目: Design and Engineering of Micro/Nano-Structured Materials, Surfaces and Devices: from Fundamentals to Applications
主 讲 人:杨军 加拿大工程院院士
杨军博士是加拿大西安大略大学机械与材料工程系及生物医学工程专业正教授,加拿大工程院院士。具有综合的材料、机械及生物医学工程学术背景,研究领域包括微纳米制造与先进功能材料、3D打印/增材制造、打印电子、微电子机械系统、超材料、生物芯片、生物科技、表面科学与工程等。在以上研究领域的国际一流杂志等发表120多篇论文包括多篇封面文章;拥有22项授权或在审专利;80多次被邀在重要学术会议或研讨会上做报告。获得多个专业领域的奖项,比如Vanguard Awards 技术转化奖,NSERC Discovery Accelerator奖,施乐UAC奖,加拿大西安大略大学的Faculty Scholar 学院学者,第三届全国创新创业大赛先进制造总决赛第二名,加拿大西安大略大学创新奖,加拿大安大略省ERA青年学者奖,PetroCanada青年发明奖,CFI-LOF领军人才希望奖,UWO-ADF学术创新奖,SEMS-Ruska 最佳论文奖,美国心血管协会博士后奖学金。
Functions of materials, surfaces and devices are related to not only the chemical substances but also the structures. Study of structure-function-property relationships is always a central issue of mechanics. Recent advances in micro/nano-engineering technology enable researchers to design and fabricate materials, surfaces and devices with precisely controlled structures. These micro/nanostructured materials, surfaces and devices can achieve superior and even unprecedented properties and/or functions. For instance, artificially structured metamaterials present negative refractive index, mass density and dynamic modulus under certain circumstances; hierarchical micro/nanostructured surfaces appear as superoleophobicity which does not exist in nature. Nowadays these micro/nanostructured materials have been extensively used for energy, environmental, information technology (IT) and biomedical applications. In addition to applied research, micro/nano-engineering also acts as powerful approaches for fundamental studies. This presentation will review and discuss recent advances in micro/nano-engineering techniques and their applications in making functional materials, surfaces and devices.