讲座题目:Mechanics of composite materials and structures in engineering analysis and design
主讲人 : Nicholas Fantuzzi,意大利博洛尼亚大学高级助理教授
讲座时间 : 2019年05月28日10:00-11:30
讲座地点 : suncitygroup太阳集团A区第五教学楼307教室
Theoretical modelling is a fundamental step in structural design which aim to simplify the complexity of engineering structures. Due to their broad applicability such background can be easily applied to several problems both in research and industry. The complexity of modern structures increases everyday due to the introduction of new materials, enhanced regulations and cheaper economical processes. Therefore, the need of industrial and theoretical research is strongly required. This talk aims to present some results in the modelling of off-shore installations and off-shore structural components using theoretical and numerical tools. Some novel numerical applications on advanced composite materials and homogenization processes will be also discussed.
Nicholas Fantuzzi,博洛尼亚大学高级助理教授,于2013年获得博士学位。主要研究领域为:固体和结构力学、断裂力学、数值计算方法、复合材料,目前正在研究固体力学问题中有限元和无网格方法的应用。曾获得3项国际奖项,组织过11次复合结构、固体和结构力学的国际会议。担任Mathematical and Computational Applications主编,及其他几个特刊的客座编辑,80余种国际期刊的审稿专家,发表论文90余篇,出版专著7部。
Dr. Nicholas Fantuzzi is a senior assistant professor at the University of Bologna. He obtained the PhD degree in structural engineering and hydraulics at University of Bologna in 2013. His research interests are: mechanics of solids and structures, fracture mechanics, numerical methods, composite materials. He is currently working on the application of finite element and mesh-free methods in solids mechanics problems. Winner of 3 international awards. Organized or co-chaired 11 international conferences on composite structures and mechanics of solids and structures. Guest editor of several Special Issues. Section Editor-in-Chief of “Mathematical and Computational Applications”. Reviewer for 80 international journals. Author of more than 90 papers and 7 books.