2010-2014 重庆交通大学,理论与应用力学(学士)
2016-2019 重庆交通大学,桥梁与隧道工程(硕士)
2017-2018 英国卡迪夫大学,土木工程(硕士)
2019-2023 英国卡迪夫大学,计算力学 (CSC博士)
2014-2016 中交铁道设计研究总院,桥梁隧道设计所,助理工程师。
2023年8月至今 suncitygroup太阳集团,suncitygroup太阳集团,科研博士后
1. 陈治江. 动力刚度法在修正后铁木辛柯梁上的应用[J]. 交通科学与工程. 2019. 35(2).
2. M Gei*, Z Chen, L Morini, F Bosi. Phononic canonical quasicrystalline waveguides[J]. Applied Physics letters. 2020. 116(24), p. 241903.
3. Z Chen, L Morini, M Gei*. Negative refraction for anti-plane elastic waves in canonical quasicrystalline laminates[J]. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids. 2023. 100, p. 104577.
4. Z Chen, L Morini, M Gei*. On the adoption of canonical quasicrystalline laminates to achieve pure negative refraction of elastic waves[J]. Philosophical transactions A. 2022. 380(2237), p. 20210401.
5. Z Chen, AKM Farhat, M Gei*. Universal representation of dynamic frequency spectra for canonical generalised quasicrystalline-generated waveguides[M]. Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Solids: Advanced Structured Materials. 2023. p. 65-74.
6. J Shi, Z Chen*. Research on the Rationality of Setting the Transverse Ribs of Large Cantilever Segmental Prefabricated Box Girders[J]. Buildings. 2023. 13 (7), p. 1873
7. J Shi, Z Chen*. Research on Reasonable Construction Plan for Cast-in-Place UHPC Bridge Deck Plate of Cable-Stayed Bridge[J]. Applied Sciences. 2023. 13 (15), p. 8615.